Condor, The Complete Soaring Simulator
The total experience from learning to racing
1 October 2018
Today we released the popular training glider, ASK21 for Condor. This fulfils many user requests for this glider, particularly those with cockpit simulators. To get it, update your hangar from the downloads page, then purchase a license key on the Buy page.
17 September 2018
Ventus 3 in 15m and 18m variants is now available. The JS-1 now has some serious competition. To get the Ventus 3, first install the Hangar Update from the downloads page, then buy a license key on the Buy page. Happy flying !
Created by pilots to pass on their passion for gliding
We designed Condor to give pilots the complete experience of soaring on their PC. The key to this experience is the feeling of immersion in the environment. Precise aerodynamics and weather physics drive the ongoing development. The Condor simulator with state of the art graphics, real time control feedback, and cockpit sounds immerses you, the pilot, in the experience and is the closest you can come to flying a glider without ever leaving the ground.
Quotes from our pilots
Sebastian Nägel – Second place in Sailplane Grand Prix
I think the Condor 2 scenery is breathtaking, the gliders themselves are realistic, and the flight model is as close to real-world as I think it’s gonna get.
– jstodaro
Congratulations on making such great software.
– Ian Honey
.. a truly worth investment for simmers willing to experiment the thrill of soaring, and an excellent tool for those already flying
– José Monteiro
I love the look of Condor 2
– Oscar Eldridge