2nd VSGP - World Final 2023

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2nd VSGP - World Final 2023

Post by havet865 » Fri Aug 04, 2023 4:01 pm

[Posting it here as well, on the main forum]

Dear friends,

We are a few weeks away from the 2nd FAI Virtual Sailplane Grand Prix - World Final in Pavullo.
Pilots will race everyday as from 18h00UTC - 27 August to 2nd of September.

We greatly encourage all virtuals pilots and fans to gather during this unique event, our top event, and advertise it as much as we can do it together.

As you know, 20 pilots will fly the final with intense races.
They all qualified through VSGP qualifying events and they deserve a big support from all of you to compete at their very best level.

We have decided that there will not be an OPEN event like we did in 2021, so that we can all focus on the show together.
They are the pilots who deserve this event, and that we shall put all lights on them for the World Final.

Remember that the entire community is more than welcome to race during the World Series 2023, a free event for all, where pilots can get mre experience and try to improve their skills to be able to qualify one day to a World Final.

We hope to announce something important for the entire community in the coming weeks, maybe before, during or after the event, and I am sure it will benefit a lot to our community and the development of gliding worldwide. There maybe some stuff to win when watching the live streaming as well... We are really looking forward to talk about this potential partnership with you.

Please join us in this adventure and let's follow the races together!
More info: https://www.virtualgliding.fai.org/virtual-sgp

Social medias:
Discord: https://discord.gg/MsuD4m6D3P
Facebook: http://facebook.com/fai.virtual.gliding
Instagram: http://instagram.com/fai.virtual.gliding
Twitch: http://twitch.com/faivirtualgliding
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaq1j3 ... fnftAP7WBA


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