Flight 142.3 km done on 21st August 05 at 15:00 ish GMT

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Flight 142.3 km done on 21st August 05 at 15:00 ish GMT

Post by 19 » Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:11 pm

Hi all,

Is it possible to have the following flight tracks of the following please.

1D.Seitzinger -DS - ASW27 - 142.3 km 00:55:33 - 153.7 km/h 1000.0
2H.Weiland - HW - Ventus2 - 142.3 km 01:03:36 - 134.3 km/h 891.7 p
3* S.Churchill - 19 - Ventus2 - 142.3 km 01:03:57 -133.5 km/h 887.4 p
4 J.Steinbeck - Ventus2 - 108.4 km - 01:22:05 - 79.2 km/h 543.9 p
5 S.Weiland - SW - Ventus2 - 77.3 km 01:20:00 58.0 km/h 387.9 p
6 c.yrano - ASW27 --- --- --- 0.0 p 0.0 p
7 J.Vidal- JV - Ventus2--- --- --- 100.0 p 0.0 p

Many Thanks.


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