V3 Terrain Mesh (more vertices possible?)

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V3 Terrain Mesh (more vertices possible?)

Post by bluefang » Tue Feb 04, 2025 4:15 pm

I have been going through the process of upgrading a landscape to 3.0 including Grass3D - and one of my airports has very hilly features. I have been following along the AirportsInV3 document - which does a pretty good job explaining most things.

I have noticed that the default vertex density is quite limiting when you have a hilly airport. I was able to get the runway hill smooth and it feels great - but if I try to adjust the vertices surrounding the runway (which are quite a bit higher than the runway - the runway is sorta in a bowl) - it effects the runway mesh. It seems the .obj -> .tr3f conversion is doing some inherent smoothing?

So basically what I am looking for is a workflow like so:

Export .TR3 -> .obj file
Edit .obj file in Blender - but I want to add vertices (subdivide) prior to smoothing.
Export .obj from Blender
In landscape editor - do the conversion from .obj to .TR3F - "Export modified OBJ to TR3f

What I have noticed is that if I do add vertices, Landscape editor doesn't seem to complain - but it seems to ignore the added mesh density. So I don't really understand how the .obj -> .tr3f conversion works - maybe it is sampling the terrain mesh in the .obj file and using a fixed mesh density?

If this is not possible, consider it a feature request.
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