LX9070 FAQ

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LX9070 FAQ

Post by Tomzy » Thu Oct 31, 2024 5:43 pm

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How do I switch between stock Condor PDA and LX9070 PDA ?
  • Go into Condor settings and check/uncheck the checkbox “Use LX9070” in the instruments section. LXSim will automatically open and sync on Condor flight start if enabled.
Can I use the profile that I use for real life flying ?
  • Yes you can. Exact same profile can be used for Condor.
How do I import and activate my profile to LXSim ?
  • Put your .lxprofile file inside “Your condor directory”/LXSim/sdcard
  • You also have a desktop icon available to directly access the “sdcard” folder
  • Open LXSim & go into main menu page
  • Select “Profiles and Pilots”
  • Scroll up or down to highlight desired profile to load
  • Press “Active” key (default key mapping while in Condor is 7 on numpad) to make profile active
Can I customize my profile ? Are there any profiles I could use immediately or for a template ?
  • There are plenty of profiles already published on https://gliding.lxnav.com/lxdownloads/p ... ollection/ made by other pilots. You can simply download them and import them as described above. When you make your own profile inside LX Styler you can also publish it to the collection.
Where can I find the manual for the numerous functionality of real LX9070 on which the LXSim is based ? My LX9070 PDA works, but the whole map is blue ?
  • Only the Europe region map is downloaded automatically as part of installation, because that’s the default Condor landscape region. For other regions visit https://gliding.lxnav.com/lxdownloads/cit-maps/ and download the CITv2 map file for the part of the world you need.
  • Place downloaded .cit file into “Your condor directory”/LXSim/data
How can I enable/disable voice callbacks LX is giving?
  • Open LXSim & go into main menu page
  • Select “Sounds”
  • Select “Voice”
  • Now you can check/uncheck the alerts you want to hear from 9070
Can I control the Condor in-game S10 variometer settings & layout via LX9070 ?
  • Not at the moment, but that might get implemented in later Condor patches.
Does everything inside LXSim work ?
  • Some of the things are there just for cosmetic display at the moment... For example: logbook, web-services, most items in hardware menu. But all the flight functionality, graphic look settings, plane configuration & weights, flaps, speeds, Flarm, voices etc. is there and most of the info boxes work.
  • Some of those cosmetic items might get implemented in later Condor patches, but we had to draw a line somewhere to get Condor 3 1.0 out.

Posts: 75
Joined: Sat May 30, 2015 11:05 pm
Location: Slovenia

Re: LX9070 FAQ

Post by Tomzy » Mon Nov 18, 2024 4:56 pm

LX9070 updates in Condor v3.0.1
- Working AHRS (you can enable or disable it in Setup/Hardware/AHRS by putting "Mode" box to ON). If you have very low-end PC, it is advisable to leave it disabled
- Live Wind support (designated by Blue arrow)
- Bugfix in Weight & balance
- Bugfix in indicated Flarm traffic direction

Note mostly for users that were copy/pasting LXSim folder around when doing original Condor 3 installation:

If your LXSim won't want to automatically update as part of 3.0.1 patch installation or will report an error, do the following:
- Go inside "Your Condor installation"/LXSim and run unins000.exe
- When prompted with "Would you also like to remove all downloaded components?" press NO, so you will keep all your /sdcard files & downloaded maps etc.
- In next prompt confirm with YES, that you want to completely remove "LXSim Condor"
- Now re-run Condor 3.0.1 patch and LXSim will reinstall fresh latest version.


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