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Re: VerifLocal : yet another flight analyser, focusing on safety

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 4:04 pm
by Bre901
Version 3.0 is available

New features since V2.0

Batch mode
Installation program (zip file still available)

Improvements to the escape route algorithm
Manual determination of an escape route
Changed the interaction with escape route altitude profiles (to facilitate screen capture)

Low-level flight detection (optional)

Airspace detection

Nicer colour palette for relief shaded maps
Improvements in towing and landing detection
Correction of random bugs that occurred when processing several consecutive files
Correction of a bug: the individual selection of the LAs did not work

It's available from my webpage :

Re: VerifLocal : yet another flight analyser, focusing on safety

Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2024 10:38 pm
by Bre901
Version 4.0 is (finally) available on my webpage:

Many thanks to the beta-testers !

Main new features (as usual, reading the documentation is strongly recommended)

Dialog box for the main parameters and simplification of the menus (keyboard shortcut=F2)

Extensive search of the area reachable from the current point on the trajectory
- mesh based
- display (configurable) arrival altitudes on all reachable LAs using the new algorithm
- wind (constant) taken into account
- the calculation of the reachable zone has been partially parallelized.

- automatic download of the latest version of a file available online
- display of the zone penetrated
- Exemption zones (e.g corridors through national parks)
- individual activation/deactivation of individual zones

CUP files
- automatic download of the latest version of a file available online

For our metrically challenged friends :wink: : display of altitudes, speeds, climb/sink rates and distances in imperial (ft,
kt, nm) or Australian (ft, kt, km) units (calculations remain in SI)
Display of the units used for most of the displays

"Measurement" mode: calculates the horizontal and vertical distance between 2 points of the
trajectory and allows to estimate wind using drift in thermals

Display of the glide ratio necessary to reach the LA from the current point (in a straight line,
without taking into account the relief & without margin) (keyboard shortcut=G)

Display of the trajectory and barogram for all the fixes in the IGC file (up to 20 000 points, i.e.
~5h30 if recorded every second, beyond that 1/2, 1/3, etc.)
Fine movement of the current point on the barogram with the L & R arrows (accelerated with the SHIFT

Optional recalibration of barometric altitudes in the case of IGC (non-Condor) files only if a
"baseline" can be found at departure or arrival

The (constant) wind can be taken into account for all computations (except the one below)

Improved computing time

New utility: Dem2Trn.exe, converts .DEM (LK8000) or .asc (OpenTopography) files to .TRN terrain files and .BMP maps (relief shading)