Condor 2 was Developed by: | |
Programming | Uroš Bergant |
Modelling & Graphics | Chris Wedgwood |
Game Design | Uroš Bergant, Chris Wedgwood |
Landscape | Miloš Koch |
Website | Tom Eagles, Chris Wedgwood |
GUI Graphics | Tom Eagles |
Blanik | Jiří Brožek |
Std Cirrus | Tom Eagles |
Antares 18S | George Winnard |
DR 400 | Björn Kaul |
Wilga | Ben Fest |
Z-226 | Jiří Brožek |
Airports | Ben Fest, Jan Oorthuijsen, Chris Wedgwood |
Trees | Greg Hart, Chris Wedgwood |
Flight lessons | Artur Łończuk |
Objects | Piotr Strzelec, Jan Oorthuijsen |
Ridge & Wave gurus | Mark Tiramani, Jon Holland |
Beta Team 2020 | Mark Tiramani, Tom Eagles, Milos Koch, Ben Fest, Jan Oorthuijsen, Jiří Brožek, Erwin de Bruin, Yannick Burgevin, Jon Holland, Dominique Allaire, Thomas Hitziger, Sebastien Chaumontet, Michel Bernard, Thierry Bodin, Jiří Adam, Jan Nyč, Nicolas Caudrelier, Bob Baeyens, Marc Till, Wiek Schoenmakers, Mark Suchting |
The Process |
Development of Condor2 has been a long and arduous process. Although it was first discussed in the Condor forum in 2006, real work was not started until 2012, after Plane Pack 2 was released.
Initially it was difficult to find enough time, as real life intruded considerably. But we made steady progress through to the end of 2015. In January 2016 we both found more time to put into the project, Miloš joined to prepare the new Slovenia 2 scenery and by May we had most of the important aspects running. In Summer 2016 we decided to completely remake all the airfields, and the grass/asphalt surfaces. At this time, many Condor pilots stepped up with offers of help, and you can see them mentioned in the list to the left. By December 2016 Miloš had completed all the tiles, and our small team had remade all the airfields. At this point, we need to also apologise to Jiří, Björn, Tom, and George for the long wait before their planes came into Condor. We have tried to do justice to their work, and we hope they will be pleased with the results. To the others, we thank you for all your help in upgrading the best soaring simulator! Uroš Bergant Condor Soaring Simulator is © Copyright 2020 UBSoft d.o.o. Planes © Copyright 2020 UBSoft.d.o.o and OXOsoft Ltd |